Goodbye Edinburgh Cake Ladies, hello Edinburgh Bakers!


This is the last post from this blog as we changed our name today to the Edinburgh Bakers.

As of today, we are now known as the Edinburgh Bakers, but will always have fond memories of our ‘maiden’ name, the Edinburgh Cake Ladies.

We wanted our new name to reflect the fact that our meetings and events are for everyone, not just ladies.

Also, we don’t discriminate against any forms of baking/eating, we’re all about the sweet things and savoury!

Our new contact details are:

Blog address –

Email: edinburghbakers (at)

Facebook –

Twitter – @EdinburghBakers

You can sign up to our mailing list (we will never spam you).

Don’t worry if you still email / tweet the old name, we’ll direct you to the new one! This is the final on this blog.

See you over at Edinburgh Bakers!